The Story of Mystake

I’m pretty sure most of you at home reading this know the story of the Oni and the Dragons. If not, basically the Oni have the evil power to destroy and shapeshift. The dragons have the power of elements and creation. But did you know there was one Oni who was not all bad? No? Well now you will! This is the story of the good Oni, Mystake. 


It first started when Mystake and her Oni tribe decided to take over a realm they heard of called Ninjago. But all changed when Mystake saw how beautiful Ninjago actually looked. She decided to live in the wonderful realm she had fallen in love with. She shape shifted into an old lady and owned a tea shop with magical teas so no one realized she was an Oni. Sensei Wu and Sensei Garmadon used to come to the tea shop a lot for special occasions, and because they also knew Mystake as a friend. No one ever knew who Mystake really was until season nine of Ninjago.

Mystake’s tea shop


When Lord Garmadon took over the city and the Ninja were trapped in The First Realm, Lloyd and Mystake formed a resistance of elemental masters to fight against Garmadon. Lloyd and the other masters thought Mystake was just an old lady and couldn’t fight. Then, Mystake told them the story of the Oni and the Dragons. She also revealed that she was a good Oni and meant them no harm. Mystake was a big help to the resistance with her special teas and potions. 

Soon, the resistance knew Garmadon was getting too powerful and they needed to do something about it. They decided to form a plan including Skylar (who is the elemental Master of Amber) and Mystake. Skylar, the Master of Amber, had the ability to permanently steal anyone’s elemental power by touching them. Lloyd explained that the plan he made was for Mystake to get Skylar close to touch Garmadon so she could absorb Garmadon’s power and then control it. Then Mystake would use her shape shifting powers to get in as a trusted person that had “captured Skylar”.

Eventually Garmadon heard about the plan and fought Skylar and Mystake. Mystake transformed into her full blooded Oni form and tried to defeat Garmadon. While Garmadon was distracted, Skylar snuck in and touched him! The plan was complete! 


Wait was it? No it wasn’t! Although Skylar got Garmadon’s power, Mystake was captured! Skylar managed to get back to base but Mystake met another fate. 

Mystake in her Oni form

And so ends the story of Mystake, the good Oni. She first started off as a tea shop owner, then became a friend of Sensei Wu and Garmadon, and finally took on an important role in the resistance. Will she be back? Who knows?

Skylor controling garmadon’s power

See you guys in the next post!


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