Category Archives: Villians

The Mechanic: the Villian Without Powers…

When you first hear the word “mechanic” you probably think of someone that fixes something. But did you know that there is also a mechanic in Ninjago? Except instead of fixing things, he does quite the opposite… It all started long ago in season 4 of Ninjago: the evil Master Chen was attacking Ninjago with […]

Master Chen

Master Chen: one of the most evil villains in all of Ninjago. He betrayed many elemental masters and pupils. From being a teacher to being trapped on an island, Master Chen has been through a lot. It was all because of one mistake; starting a war. You may think, “Wow, Master Chen is really evil!” […]

The Serpentine

A long time ago, all the serpentine tribes were free and were taking control of Ninjago City. No one could stop them, even the elemental masters just couldn’t do it. Ninjago sent their fiercest warriors out, but it was simple. There was no stopping the Anacondrai and the serpentine. Or was there? This is the […]


As the only living Anacondrai, Pythor was very lonely and had no friends. He spent most of his time exiled in the Anacondrai tomb, starving. But all of that changed when Lloyd freed him and offered to be friends. After being locked in a tomb with no food and no friends, Pythor was on the […]

The Story of The Anacondrai Warriors

Explosions everywhere. The Corridor of Elders’ statues were falling as hard as rocks. Although the elemental masters had powers and were better in skill, they were still losing the war against the fiercest tribe in all of Ninjago: The Anacondrai Warriors. The best tribe of the serpentine… They soon took control of the sky and […]

The Story of Harumi

Once there lived a girl named Harumi. Harumi was a good person at first, but not all good people stay good. Harumi ended up becoming one of Lord Garmadon’s most trusted servants and wanted Garmadon to rule all of Ninjago. This is the story of Harumi’s life from beginning to end. One day, the largest […]

The Story of the Great Devourer

A long time ago, there was a tiny but clever snake. That snake was the same snake that bit Young Garmadon and turned him evil. A single drop of venom from that snake was deadly. This is the story of how the tiny snake grew into Ninjago’s biggest serpent; The Great Devourer. The Great Devourer […]

The Story of the Oni Tribe

A long time ago, there was an extremely powerful and strong tribe. They were from a different realm; The First Realm. This tribe was also enemies with dragons. The creator of the realm (the First Spinjitzu Master) divided the land into two parts, which separated the dragons and the powerful tribe. The members of this […]